At Private Nanny® we offer childcare from within your own home, we offer a level of support to meet each families needs and requirements.. We are non judgemental, we take you as we find you, so don't worry about that! We work with you, follow your routine and keep those family cogs turning. Our goal is to make your life easier, sometimes you just need that little bit of extra help!!
Household Nanny
New Mother/Parent Support
Overnight Respite Nanny for Babies
Temporary Nanny
Proxy Parent
Hotel Nanny
Event Nanny
Household Nanny
As a household Nanny we come into your home on set days, we will take over all aspects of care for the children from when we arrive, this may involve getting the children ready for nursery or school, dropping them off, taking them to appointments and clubs feeding and bathing. We also take care of the majority of the household jobs revolving around the children.
New Mother/Parent Support
Becoming new parents isn't always easy, we know and appreciate this. As new mother/parent support we are there to support you, the reason can vary, you may need support with your baby if you've had surgery, need to rest or just take a shower, or you may need assistance in completing daily tasks revolving around your baby, each situation and duration that we are needed is different.
Overnight Respite Nanny for Babies
Respite Nanny to the rescue! If you're a new parent and feeling rather sleep deprived, a respite Nanny can take over the evening and overnight feeds, this will allow you to get that much needed sleep, we can be available for one or two nights a week and more if needed.
Proxy Parent
If you need to travel for business or pleasure as a proxy parent we would take sole care of your children for the entirety of your trip, the care would take place from your family home and involve all parental duties and aspects of care.
Hotel Nanny
If you are travelling to Derbyshire or Nottinghamshire from further afield for business or pleasure, our Hotel Nanny service can assist you during your stay.
Event Nanny
If you are participating in the running of an event or simply going to an event, our Event Nanny can join you with the children at the event or away from the event.
Temporary Nanny
If you are in need of childcare for a temporary period of time, be it a few weeks or months, 1, 2 days or Monday to Friday each week, a temporary Nanny is able to cover this for that duration.
We cover early starts and late finishes.
We can provide daycare, evening care, overnight care and even temporary bookings.
We are experienced with all ages of children including:
terrible twos
nearly teenagers and teens
We also offer support at weekends and throughout school holidays.